


1) 阅读英语:

Of course, you can also have a gambling problem without being totally out of control. Problem gambling is any gambling behavior that disrupts your life. If you’re preoccupied with gambling, spending more and more time and money on it, chasing losses, or gambling despite serious consequences in your life, you have a gambling problem.

联系上下文语言环境,chasing losses是不是“想翻盘,想翻本,变本加厉”的意思?




2) “说”英语:

遇到(听到)新词chasing losses,你没听明白或没听懂,你总是要问对方“刚才说什么”的吧?你会“问什么?”,“怎么问?”

什么?你问中文?用中文问“chasing losses什么意思(全部读第四声)?”

1. What does chasing losses mean?

2. When you say Chasing losses, you mean you will increase your bets in order to recover what you've lost. OR:You increase your bets in order to recoup what you've lost. Not a good way to play.



Don’t get caught chasing


3. Okay.Got you.When I say chase losses, I can also simply say chasing ,or get caught chasing.


3) 又“读”英语:

A specific form of entrapment that some gamblers struggle with is the urge to chase their losses. Chasing losses simply means trying to win back money you’ve already lost by gambling more. Unfortunately, chasing usually results in more losses – which can then lead to more chasing

4) 继续“说”英语:

4. Okay.Got you again.When I say chase losses, I can also say Chase your/our/their losses.

5. Chasing losses means you are trying to win back money you’ve already lost by gambling more.It is the same as saying: you will increase your bets in order to recover what you've lost.

训练自己养成“用英语学英语”能力的一个好处就是:哪天你突然“忘词”,记不起chase your losses这个表达时,你依然可以“借助”你的英语积累词汇“功底”,通过“换词”表达,把chase losses的“意思”捡回来,也就是你通过说 you are trying to win back money you’ve already lost by gambling more之类的英语表达,告诉别人你要说的意思是chase yoyr losses.

