


The 2018 MCM/ICM Problem C was a challenging problem that required teams to analyze and solve a complex logistics problem. In this article, we will discuss the problem statement, provide an overview of our approach, and explain the results we obtained. This problem combined elements of mathematics, computer science, and operations research to simulate and optimize a real-world transportation network. Let's dive into the details and explore this fascinating problem.

Problem Statement

The problem presented in the 2018 MCM/ICM C题 was centered around optimizing the transportation of goods from a distribution center to various retail locations. The goal was to minimize the total transportation cost while adhering to certain constraints, such as delivery time windows, capacity limitations, and other operational considerations.


In tackling this problem, we first analyzed the given transportation network and identified the key variables that needed to be considered. We then developed a mathematical model to represent the problem and used optimization techniques to find the optimal solution.

Mathematical Model

We began by representing the transportation network as a graph, with nodes representing the distribution center and retail locations, and edges representing transportation routes. The weight of each edge represented the transportation cost associated with that route.

Next, we formulated the problem as a linear programming (LP) model. We introduced decision variables to represent the flow of goods through each transportation route. Constraints were added to ensure that the capacity limitations and delivery time windows were respected. Our objective function aimed to minimize the total transportation cost.

Optimization Techniques

To solve the LP model, we employed various optimization techniques. We used the simplex method, a popular algorithm for solving linear programming problems, to obtain an initial feasible solution. We then applied the dual simplex method to improve the solution further.

Additionally, we implemented heuristics to optimize the route selection process. By using techniques such as greedy algorithms and local search, we were able to quickly narrow down the search space and find near-optimal solutions.


After running our model and optimization algorithms, we obtained results that met the given constraints and provided substantial cost savings compared to the initial transportation plan. Our solution not only minimized the total transportation cost but also increased the efficiency of the entire logistics network.


The 2018 MCM/ICM Problem C presented an intriguing logistics problem that required a combination of mathematical modeling, optimization techniques, and programming skills to solve. By carefully formulating the problem, developing an effective mathematical model, and applying optimization techniques, we were able to obtain significant cost savings and improve the efficiency of the transportation network. This problem highlighted the importance of using interdisciplinary approaches to solve real-world problems efficiently.

Overall, the 2018 MCM/ICM Problem C challenged teams to think critically and creatively about complex logistics issues. It provided an excellent opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to a practical problem and showcased the power of mathematical modeling and optimization techniques in solving real-world transportation problems.