英语四级评分标准表(English Proficiency Evaluation Criteria for CET-4)

English Proficiency Evaluation Criteria for CET-4

As one of the most influential and widely-recognized English proficiency tests in China, CET-4 is held twice a year and taken by millions of students across the country. To better understand the test and prepare for it, it is crucial to be familiar with the evaluation criteria and what they entail. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the CET-4 evaluation criteria, which consists of three main aspects: listening, reading, and writing.

Part I: Listening

The listening part of CET-4 consists of four sections with a total of 50 questions. Each correct answer is worth 2 points, and there is no deduction for wrong answers or unfinished questions. The criteria for evaluating listening skills include:

  • Understanding the main ideas and details of the conversations and lectures
  • Identifying the speaker's purpose and attitude
  • Recognizing and interpreting idiomatic expressions and colloquial language
  • Following the chronological order and logic of the information presented
  • Using contextual clues to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases

Part II: Reading

The reading part of CET-4 consists of three sections with a total of 50 questions. Each correct answer is worth 2 points, and there is no deduction for wrong answers or unfinished questions. The criteria for evaluating reading skills include:

英语四级评分标准表(English Proficiency Evaluation Criteria for CET-4)

  • Comprehending the main ideas and details of the texts
  • Recognizing the tone, purpose, and attitude of the writer
  • Inferring the meaning of words and phrases from the context
  • Identifying the structure and organization of the texts
  • Using critical thinking skills to analyze the content and draw conclusions

Part III: Writing

The writing part of CET-4 consists of two sections: an essay and a translation. The essay topic is given in advance, and the translation task is based on a short passage or paragraph. The essay is worth 50 points, and the translation is worth 20 points. The criteria for evaluating writing skills include:

英语四级评分标准表(English Proficiency Evaluation Criteria for CET-4)

  • Demonstrating a clear and coherent structure of the essay or translation
  • Using a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to convey meaning
  • Showing a good command of grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • Addressing the topic or task accurately and comprehensively
  • Providing specific and relevant examples or evidence to support the arguments or opinions

In conclusion, the CET-4 evaluation criteria cover a wide range of language skills and competencies, from listening and reading comprehension to writing and translation proficiency. To achieve a satisfactory or high score, it is crucial to practice and improve all aspects of English proficiency, especially those tested in the CET-4. Good luck and happy learning!