
Hi my friends. What is career about? You work for your job, or your job works for you? That’s big difference, ok.大家好,什么是事业?你为你的工作而奋斗?还是你的工作为你而奋斗?这区别可大了!明白吗?

If you work for your job, then that’s not career, that’s just a job.如果你是为你的工作而奋斗,那这不叫事业!这也就是一份工作而已!But if your job works for you, and then you have a career, you got it?但如果你的工作为你而奋斗,那你就拥有了一份事业!明白了吗?Even you are the very powerful government officer, once you retire, then no more. It’s just a job, you got it?即便你当的官很大,一旦退休了,也就结束了!这也就是一份工作而已!明白吗?But if you have a job or small business, which can create money or some other things for you all the time. 但如果你有一份工作或一门小生意,能够给你不断创造财富或者其它东西!That means you have a career, you got it?那意味着你拥有了一份事业!明白了吗?