smile queen(smilequeen意思)

Queen Elizabeth's Photographer Shares Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Her Majestic Birthday Portrait

Photographer Henry Dallal says "you never have to tell the Queen to smile"


Queen Elizabeth's 96th birthday portrait 伊丽莎白女王的 96 岁生日肖像

Queen Elizabeth's 96th birthday portrait was taken last month on the grounds of Windsor Castle, showing the monarch standing proudly between two of her fell ponies, Bybeck Katie and Bybeck Nightingale. She wears a dark green cape-style coat as she holds the reins of two of her favorite ponies in front of a magnolia tree.

伊丽莎白女王的 96 岁生日肖像是上个月在温莎城堡拍摄的,女王自豪地站在她的两只矮种小马 Bybeck Katie 和 Bybeck Nightingale 之间。 她穿着一件深绿色的斗篷式外套,在一棵玉兰树前握着她最喜欢的两匹小马的缰绳

Ahead of her birthday, Buckingham Palace confirmed that the Queen traveled from Windsor Castle to her Sandringham estate in Norfolk, about 110 miles north of London. She's believed to be staying at Wood Farm, the cozy five-bedroom home where her late husband Prince Philip spent much of his retirement.

在她生日之前,白金汉宫证实女王从温莎城堡前往位于伦敦以北约 110 英里的诺福克郡的桑德灵厄姆庄园。 据信,她住在伍德农场,这是一座舒适的五居室住宅,她已故的丈夫菲利普亲王在此度过了大部分退休生活。

Throughout her life, Queen Elizabeth has always had a fondness for horses and was given her first horse (a Shetland pony) when she was just 4 years old. She's also been known to get animated at horse racing events, enthusiastically cheering for her horses.

在她的一生中,伊丽莎白女王一直对马情有独钟,并在她 4 岁时获得了她的第一匹马(一匹设得兰小马)。 众所周知,她在赛马活动中会变得很活跃,热情地为她的马欢呼。

Queen Elizabeth's photographer is taking royal fans behind the lens.


Henry Dallal — who has photographed the monarch on several occasions, including her Golden Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee — was tapped again to take the portrait released to celebrate the Queen's 96th birthday last week.

亨利·达拉尔(Henry Dallal)曾多次为女王拍摄照片,包括她的金禧纪念日和钻禧纪念日——上周再次拍下为庆祝女王 96 岁生日而发布的肖像。

"It was a huge honor," he told OK! magazine. "Obviously, it's a huge occasion for me. It's a huge honor, and it's always very special to be within Windsor Castle and with Her Majesty."

这是一个巨大的荣誉,”他告诉 OK! 杂志。“显然,这对我来说是一个大场面。 这是一种巨大的荣誉,在温莎城堡和女王陛下在一起是非常特别的经历。”

He continued, "But, at some point, my focus becomes 'take a good picture.' My focus becomes, 'What do I do to get the best photograph possible?' In terms of the lighting, the composition, and also, the biggest challenge, is to make sure the four-legged friends are also smiling at the same time and looking at you. But you never have to tell the Queen to smile."

他继续说道,“但是,在某些时候,我的注意力变成了‘拍一张好照片’。 我的焦点变成了,“我该怎么做才能获得最好的照片?” “无论是灯光、构图还是最大的挑战,就是要确保四足朋友(马儿)同时微笑着看向你。但你永远不必告诉女王微笑。”

Queen Elizabeth 笑容可掬的女王

Dallal added that photographing the Queen is "always pleasant" and "very relaxed."


"We take the picture rather swiftly, and afterwards, she stays a little longer to see everyone and be with her horses," he said. "She will talk to everyone. She will talk to the gardener, everyone."

他说:“我们拍得很快,之后,她会多呆一会儿,看看大家,和她的马在一起。” “她会和每个人说话。比如和园丁说话,每个人。”

But of course, the task comes with challenges, including hoping that the Queen's busy schedule cooperates with the lighting, weather and other factors in capturing a good snap.


"We can't say, 'Why don't you come around at sunset?' 'Well the lighting isn't good, let's try again tomorrow.' That doesn't work!" the photographer shared.

“我们不能说,‘你为什么不在日落的时候过来?’ “嗯,光线不好,我们明天再试试。” 那不行!” 摄影师分享说。

Queen Elizabeth 女王本尊

By Stephanie Petit April 25, 2022 12:01 PM

