
./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n db1,db2 -verbose grid执行检查,发现存在组播无法通讯的情况,日志如下:

Checking subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group ""...PRVG-11134 : Interface "" on node "db2" is not able to communicate with interface "" on node "db1"PRVG-11134 : Interface "" on node "db1" is not able to communicate with interface "" on node "db2"Checking subnet "" for multicast communication with multicast group ""...PRVG-11134 : Interface "" on node "db2" is not able to communicate with interface "" on node "db1"PRVG-11134 : Interface "" on node "db1" is not able to communicate with interface "" on node "db2"



同时分享一个组播的测试工具参考mos文档《Grid Infrastructure Startup During Patching, Install or Upgrade May Fail Due to Multicasting Requirement (Doc ID 1212703.1) 》


信任关系配置如下grid免密登录/u01/soft/grid/sshsetup/sshUserSetup.sh -user grid -hosts "db1 db2" -noPromptPasshrase -confirm -advancedoracle免密等/u01/soft/database/sshsetup/sshUserSetup.sh -user oracle -hosts "db1 db2" -noPromptPasshrase -confirm -advanced

mcasttest测试:# gunzip mcasttest.tgz # tar xvf mcasttest.tar # perl mcasttest.pl -n <node1>,<node2>,<node_n...> -i <interface1>,<interface2><interface_n...>The example below tests multicast for a two node cluster (<node1> and <node2>), in which two network interfaces (eth1 and eth2) are to be used for the private interconnect:-n 节点名称-i 网卡名称

测试案例:测试私有网络的组播通讯情况/u01/soft/mcasttest> perl mcasttest.pl -n db1,db2 -i eth1########### Setup for node db1 ##########Checking node access 'db1'Checking node login 'db1'Checking/Creating Directory /tmp/mcasttest for binary on node 'db1'Distributing mcast2 binary to node 'db1'########### Setup for node db2 ##########Checking node access 'db2'Checking node login 'db2'Checking/Creating Directory /tmp/mcasttest for binary on node 'db2'Distributing mcast2 binary to node 'db2'########### testing Multicast on all nodes ##########Test for Multicast address 11 10:31:06 | Multicast Succeeded for eth1 using address for Multicast address 11 10:31:07 | Multicast Succeeded for eth1 using address>

Note: Multicast based communication only needs to be successful on either the address or the address. A successful multicast communication on both addresses is not required. 另外通讯在230和224任意网络上面都可以,不需要全部能通。