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History of Express Delivery




History of courier abroad

In the 6th century BC, Darius, king of the Persian Empire, established a network of post roads for communication, centred on the capital city of Susa. The post roads were spacious, with posts along the way, and messengers were on hand with horses at all times to carry the king's orders to the provinces of the empire, and a constant flow of news from all parts of the country was sent to the king through this network of communication. The post road ran from Susa to Sardis at the western end of Asia Minor, a distance of 3,000 kilometres.


The messages arrived in seven days, which was very efficient, thanks to the day and night transmission by post couriers. It is often said that 'all roads lead to Rome'. The ancient Roman capital had wide roads connecting the four directions. In our history book "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty. In the Book of the Western Regions, it is recorded that in ancient Rome there were "pavilions": one pavilion for ten miles and one for thirty miles. All the countries could take the post directly to their capital when their envoys entered their territory.

Blue dream


公元前 500年,古代波斯有过“小马快递”的邮政业务。这种投递书信的方式,类似于国古代的“马递”,是用一种良种快马,再选用最精干的邮差,以最快速度传递军事文书和信件。

In 500 B.C., ancient Persia had a postal service called the "pony express". This method of delivering correspondence was similar to the ancient "horse delivery" of the country, using a good breed of fast horse and the most competent postmen to deliver military documents and letters as quickly as possible.






The history of courier in China

Courier activities in China since ancient times. China's ancient courier, also known as "urgent transmission", the emergence of time is quite early.



Ancient "courier"

Courier in the Chinese Zhou Dynasty has appeared. According to the "Zhou Rites of Autumn", when the Zhou dynasty was set up in charge of the postal officials "Xingfu", whose duties require "although the road is difficult, and from time to time will reach". In fact, as early as the Shang dynasty, there was already a powerful horse transmission system similar to that of the courier, and this is confirmed by the oracle bone inscriptions at Yinxu. In ancient times, couriers were mainly used for the transmission of government orders and military information, and one of the most primitive and major courier methods was the "step transmission", which was delivered by hand on foot.



Prevent from being opened. When the writing was on silk, it Secrecy measures for ancient mail.A number of special means were adopted to prevent leaks, openings or forgeries in mid-stream. The most important means of preventing leaks was sealing. When a document was written on bamboo, the mail was tied up properly before transmission, sealed with clay at the knotted cord, and stamped with the relevant seal to prevent iwas placed in a book bag.


In the Han dynasty, the tools and means of encapsulation became more abundant, with outer envelopes such as letters and bags being put into different outer envelopes according to the shape and size of the object. In the Tang dynasty, the encapsulation of official documents and mail was usually sealed with a capsule, especially for secret messages. The envelopes were not only kept secret, but also differentiated by rank. The maximum number of seals was five and the minimum three. The more seals there were, the more important the mail was, and the faster the means of transport used.



Ancient "Express Distance"

The Han Dynasty inherited the practice of "one post for five miles and one pavilion for ten miles" from the Qin Dynasty, and on the basis of "one post for five miles", a "place" was built at 30-mile intervals on major transport routes, namely "The post was changed to a post. It was also known as a "post office", or a "transmission office". At that time, the postal agencies already had special vehicles, which were called "transmission vehicles". Express delivery by car was called "Chuan" and express delivery by horse was called "Ye". Given that a horse was faster than a horse pulling a cart, the postal service was gradually phased out. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, vehicles were gradually eliminated, the horse became the main means of transport for express delivery, known as "horse delivery". At this time, the institution for the transmission of documents was mostly called "yiji".


魏晋时期,中国出现了第一部专门的邮政法规《邮驿令》,这在中国邮政史上具有里程碑意义。隋唐时期,快递业更为发达。在唐玄宗时期,全国大约有1639个驿站,其中水驿260个,陆驿1297个,水陆相兼驿86个。唐代已开始用快递运送水产、水果。当时的平原郡(今山东境内)进贡螃蟹,使用的便是快递。此外,唐代最著名的快递业务是给杨贵妃送荔枝,诗人杜牧是这样写的:“长安北望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。一骑红尘妃子笑, 无人知是荔枝来。”

Express Fruit Aquatic Products in the Tang Dynasty

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, China saw the emergence of the first special postal regulation, the Post and Post Order, which was a milestone in Chinese postal history. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the express industry became even more developed. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, there were about 1,639 post stations in the country, including 260 water stations, 1,297 land stations and 86 water and land stations. In the Tang Dynasty, express delivery of fish and fruits began. At that time, the plain county (now in Shandong) used couriers to deliver crabs. In addition, the most famous courier service in the Tang Dynasty was the delivery of lychees to Yang Guifei, as written by the poet Du Mu: "Looking north at Chang'an, the embroidery is piled up, and a thousand doors open at the top of the mountain. The concubine smiled as she rode on the red dust, but no one knew it was a lychee."

Blue dream


