4g to lte是什么意思(LTE4G是什么意思)




The embattled Chinese telecom giant Huawei has unveiled plans to deploy high-speed wireless internet to dozens of underserved communities in Canada's remote northern regions.



The move – mostly 4G deployments and not the superfast fifth-generation or 5G…

据路透社报道,华为将与Ice Wireless及Iristel合作开展网络布局。


Huawei said it would partner with ICE Wireless and Iristel to provide high-speed internet to 20 communities in the Arctic and 70 in rural and remote areas of Quebec by 2025, potentially reaching some 200,000 people living in those areas.


Huawei added that some 25 communities in the largely Inuit areas of the Nunavut territory would also benefit from the deployment.


法新社援引Ice Wireless和Iristel的副总裁让-弗朗索瓦·杜穆林(Jean-Francois Dumoulin)的话称,“我们需要使用高度可靠、世界一流的设备来最大限度地减少物理干预,从而避免出现没有信号的‘隔离区’。这就是我们与加拿大华为合作的原因”。

\"We need to use highly reliable, world-class equipment to minimize physical intervention and to avoid outages that risk making our communities isolated once again. That's why we partner with Huawei Canada,\" said Jean-François Dumoulin, vice-president at Ice Wireless and Iristel.


Although most Canadians have access to high-speed internet, connectivity remains unavailable across some sparsely populated areas of the country.



Huawei officials said they will work to deploy wireless internet that will operate in some of the coldest temperatures on earth.

华为加拿大公司总裁埃里克·李表示:“我们坚信,每个人都应该能连接到4G LTE网络,无论他们在加拿大哪个地区——即便是无法负担高速网络的落后地区也应如此。”

\"We strongly believe that everyone should be connected to 4G LTE, no matter where they live in Canada – even in areas where high-speed service may not be economically viable,\" said Eric Li, president of Huawei Canada.


Huawei also said it would include residents of the Far North in its plans to train 1,000 Canadians to install and use its technology, and that it would launch a major advertising campaign in movie theaters across the country featuring short documentaries about how high-speed Internet is helping people in the Far North.




The move comes with Washington pressuring its allies to avoid using Huawei for deployment of 5G wireless, claiming the Chinese firm's ties to Beijing and its intelligence services could pose security risks.


The Huawei announcements come amid diplomatic tensions and as experts in Ottawa are reviewing the security implications of 5G networks, including Huawei's participation.


Last week, Reuters reported that Canada was likely to postpone a decision on whether to allow Huawei to supply 5G network equipment until after the October federal election due to increasingly strained relations with Beijing.

在提到加拿大关于5G网络的决定时,华为加拿大公共事务副总裁Alykhan Velshi表示,“我们会要求政府根据我们在加拿大的记录来做出判断,依据技术,而不是政治做出决定。”

Referring to the 5G decision, Velshi said: “We would ask for the government to judge us on our record in Canada, and for decisions to be made based on technology and not politics.”



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