
11月22日,第四届世界媒体峰会在北京举行。与会代表认为,全球媒体需要及时向受众传播真实、客观、全面的抗疫信息,共同维护媒体权威性和公信力,共同佑护人类健康福祉。The fourth World Media Summit (WMS) was held in Beijing on Nov 22. The participants called on global media to share authentic, objective, and comprehensive information in the battle against COVID-19, and jointly uphold the authority and credibility of the media to secure the health and wellbeing of humanity.

2021年 11月22日,第四届世界媒体峰会在北京举行。(图片来源:新华社)


【重要讲话】当前,世界百年未有之大变局和新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行相互交织、彼此影响,国际格局演变深刻复杂。如何正确回答时代课题,广泛凝聚世界共识,媒体肩负着重要社会责任。The world at present is under the intertwined impact of once-in-a-century global changes and unprecedented pandemic, and the international landscape is undergoing profound and complex evolution. Media bears important social responsibilities in seeking correct answers to the major questions of our times and building wide consensus around the world.——2021年11月22日,习近平致第四届世界媒体峰会的贺信


求同存异seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences

国际传播能力 international communication capacity